Have Fun. Help Others. Repeat.

Additional Therapy Training

Nurturing the heart with the brain in mind- a yearlong, experience-rich training in the application of interpersonal neurobiology. 72 hours of training with Bonnie Badenoch & Jo Hadlock-King

The heart of trauma: healing our embodied brains in the context of relationship- trauma training though the lense of interpersonal neurobiology. 36 hours of training with Bonnie Badenoch & Jo Hadlock-King

Therapy as Spiritual Practice 18 hours with Bonnie Badenoch & Joe Hadlock-King

Introduction to Synergetic Play Therapy 6 month 18 hours of training with Lisa Doin

Sand Tray Play Therapy, 120 hours specialized training

OCD Behavior Therapy Training Institute, 21 hours specialized OCD training

Pediatric OCD Behavior Therapy Training Institute, 21 hours specialized pediatric OCD training

Hoarding Behavior Therapy Training Institute, 21 hours specialized hoarding training

AAMET Emotional Freedom Techniques Levels 1-3

EMDR level 1 and 2 training

Speciality Areas Near Winter Park, FL

Amy V. Smith speciality areas include: trauma, anxiety, depression, OCD, bipolar, self-harm cutting, self-esteem and personal growth.